Li3Designers @ STEP USA

Li3Designers @ STEP USA

STEP USA program is introduced by AHK USA – New York, and it is to support German Startups in entering the U.S. market.

We were delighted to be one of the German delegations aligned with class A German Startups to be hosted by the German Center for Research and Innovation (DWIH) in New York and supported by German American Chambers of Commerce (GACC). During our stay, we took part in the 4-day strategy boot camp in New York City and were introduced to the startup ecosystem, how to engage with the U.S. VCs and influencers, structure a successful pitch, and much more.

On the first day, we were welcomed by Vice president Susanne Gellert, LL.M.  of Deutsch-Americanistic Handelskammer (AHK USA-New York), followed by detailed information concerning the AHK activities and network.

We offered a wide range of sessions such as Legal Requirements: Setting up your U.S. Entity, Visa Regulations, Employment & Product Liability, Engaging with Investors, Scaling your Enterprise Machine, Mastering your Message, and much more.

On the Pitch night in the German consulate, we were welcomed by the German Consulate General Wolfram von Heynitz. We pitched our business idea to an international audience and a seasoned panel of venture investors.

It was an enlightening week full of new information and networking. STEP USA presents what any German startup needs to move to the maturity phase and be able to handle more sophisticated development. Simply what a unique experience.


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